Headings for Local SEO are important and need to be structured to help your readers understand your article.
When you were at school the English teacher would always say break up your essays with headings and paragraphs. Not only does that help the reader understand your article because the article is split into smaller chunks, it also helps to understand the structure of the article.
Headings within HTML range between heading level 1 and heading level 6. Heading level 1 is generally the more important heading.
To optimise a website for local SEO the first heading on the page must be right at the top and it must mention the key element of what the page is about. When we focus on local SEO we need to splatter some of the local towns within the page and the heading levels.
For example if we were selling top hats the first heading could say:
“top hats for sale in Exeter”
As we move down the page we would also add some more headings to to the page.
By breaking up the page into meaningful sections it will ensure that the person reading the page has a better understanding of the page, and it will also ensure that Google has a better understanding of the page.